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Debate with your other side – optimist is a good debater, prove the people wrong. Why? Why? Why? Is there any benefit if you were to do this? What is the outcome? We are all the same, self-centred, selfish at times. How can we be happy, when we keep telling our self, not enough? How are we not satisfied with the things we have in hand? We are always in that self-pity mode when we see what other have, what other people enjoying, and so on. Shift, let’s see what this people don’t have, if you can help? Automatically, you will feel, how fortunate you are.
I always ask my children, “which is better?” a.) to be able to give or b.) to be receiving all the time. Answer B, sounds like wow, it’s free, no need to work for it, and it’s there at no cost.
Isn’t it nice to be able to give, (however small) and we are so fortunate that we have that bit of extra, that we can give, isn’t it a great feeling of abundance when you can afford to give. Live in this stage of mind, you will feel really good.
(Just for sharing: recently I put on some weight, and there is regular recycle campaign. First occasion, I gave away the clothing that I really feel tight, and a little old, second occasion, I gave away more (and as if, we can use it), third occasion, I gave away all (that I think, I will used it maybe 1 more time, that’s all, and why do you keep it, why can’t you be a little out of your mind to be more generous), even some that I use once, in my heart, oh no, oh no, and suddenly, to myself I still have the newer few here, can I be wearing 5 jeans at the same time? and somebody out there, will probably be smiling, wow, today we get something really new and more presentable…..I can’t help smiling, and really feel good about.
I don’t have a big wardrobe, and I don’t really care how people look at me, I have stopped buying Gel for my hair, a set or 2 clothing for the new year, as a tradition of having a New Year, even though I miss once or twice. What are you looking for Vincent in new clothes, or that Vincent in that super attitude? That’s how we grow. What we have so long it’s serviceable, and clean.