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Give No Chance To Bribes - Money makes the world go round, sad but true. There are to many examples out there, but still so many fail, (someone is always watching).
How much money do you need to be happy? Many people still didn't see the big danger sign behind the heaps of money.
Corruption equal to fines and jail terms is known to everyone, but why still do it? Already so rich and still want to be richer, but the consequences are far too heavy to swallow. They don't have to worry for the rest of their life, and even the future generations, but by accepting the money, the entire life effort just got flushed into the drains. Is this a conspiracy to bring one down? Is someone forced to accept the money? Or one is being controlled over some dark secrets? Have you borrowed too much money from illegal sources to finance your lavish lifestyle, which you cannot upkeep? To avoid bankruptcy in your failed business or re-coup the lost in gambling and stocks? Or to maintain many mistresses?
Come to think about it there is 101 ways to pull one down, with the help of money.
How much is enough? Be Jeff B., E. Musk, Warren B.?
Someone ever told me before if you have 1, you want 2, 5 is not far way why not aim for 10, then Hundred as it escalates when you know the technique to achieve, but that's not the case, people want it fast and immediate, making the wrong short cut, that eventually leads to the downfall.
One saying "You have accumulated money that can last many generations, but money is sometimes hard to pass down many generations."